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Solar Trash Can Advantages

dateApril 20, 2021 author
dateReading Time: 4 minutes

Solar Trash Can Advantages

Seems like pretty much everything is being revolutionized by technology in a big way these days, and the ordinary, unglamorous trash can is no exception. We specialize in trash disposal for Trenton and Colborne, but like everyone we do travel around Southern Ontario. Seems like no matter which city or town you’re in, you’ve seen these new trash cans that look and function differently from the ones that have been on city streets forever around here.

Many of these trash cans have a very noticeable solar charger on them, and that of course means that they are solar trash cans. If harnessing the sun’s energy can mean better waste management for cities, then ‘power’ to them! We think that all these new waste disposal technologies are excellent, although up until now we didn’t know how they worked. We’ve now added that to our knowledge base, and of course tops there is our expertise with dumpster rental with delivery and pick up for Trenton and Colborne areas.

But enough about that, let’s talk about how these sun-powered garbage cans work, and why they’re such a great technological innovation.

Less Need for Frequent Waste Collection

Solar trash cans reduce the frequency of waste collections and dispatches in a big way. That’s possible because a solar trash can be prompted to automatically compact waste once it reaches a certain volume inside the can. This is huge, because it effectively increases the bin’s capacity 5-8 times what it would be if the trash inside was not compacted. Being able to fill 500-800 liters of waste in a 100-liter bin and not having to do anything manually to do that is massively beneficial for municipal government’s and the city workers that collect trash.

Cleaner / More Hygienic Public Spaces

This part is fairly straightforward to understand – by being able to hold more trash they promote cleaner environments and streets. These smart compactors send real-time fill-level data wirelessly to a SaaS-based waste analytics platform that inform city staff on each bin’s fill-level status. When the bin indicates it’s nearing fill capacity, THAT is when city crews will empty it. Not before, and definitely not after when trash is piling up around the can because it’s overflowing.

Helpful Waste Collection Data Analytics

Expanding on that, solar trash cans often send real-time data to a waste analytics platform that city waste collection managers can use to assess the current fill-level situation, optimize collection routes, receive push notifications, and create data analytics reports. These reports can help make municipal waste collection much more efficient and timelier. All of which contributes to less trash being on the street

Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Solar trash cans don’t need to be collected as often as standard waste bins, and so having garbage trucks going around less often collecting waste means much fewer CO2 emissions from these large-engine vehicles. That’s only part of the benefit too, as fewer collections also means less noise pollution and road wear. Last but not least, there’s less wear and tear on the vehicles, fuel costs, and staffing costs. All of which means waste collection asks less of the municipal budget each year, and that’s what taxpayers are always going to want to hear!

Need trash pick up and disposal in Colborne or Trenton areas of Southern Ontario? We’re your guys here at Load & Lift, and we have disposal bin rentals that we can have at your property or job site the same day. You fill them, we pick them up and dispose of the contents – responsibly every time. Add the fact we have the best prices and you’re wise to call us first if you need a dumpster on site to get rid of all that waste.