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RFID Tagging for Hazmat Waste Disposal

dateNovember 20, 2022 author
dateReading Time: 6 minutes
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The fact of the matter is that hazmat (hazardous material) waste continues to be improperly disposed of way too often, and while that is not the case in Canada and the USA this is especially true in other areas of the world where enforcement of proper disposal is lax. We are certainly not experts with hazmat waste here at Load n’ Lift, but we are certified for hazmat waste disposal and it’s something we do much less often than disposal bin rentals for the Trenton and Colborne areas of Ontario. We may not be experts on the waste itself, but we are experts when it comes to getting that waste to where it needs to go in the best way possible.

RFID stands for radio-frequent identification, and these days most people will be familiar with the term based on the anti-card data theft wallets that prevent your cards from being scanned without you knowing it when a person passes by your purse or pocket with the right device. RFID blockers do work well, and now RFID technology is showing promise for making sure that hazardous material waste is properly disposed of. We taking interest in any topic that’s related to waste disposal, and so this is another in the long line of many that have made the grade when it comes to being a blog entry topic here at Load n’ Lift.

Utilizing RFID Tech

As economies develop, they always begin to produce more hazardous waste. the amount of hazardous waste produced by textile, chemical, pharmaceutical, electronic and other industries worldwide increases year by year. Improper handling, storage and use of hazardous waste has the potential to cause atmospheric damage, water and soil pollution, serious health hazards to the production and living environment, and put people and communities at risk.

Any technology that can contribute to the automation and intelligent process of hazardous waste disposal is going to be most welcome, and in the here and now RFID is at the forefront of that. The introduction of RFID technology into the hazardous waste information system enables systems for recognition, automation, standardization and information management.

RFID tags placed in / on pallets or other transport means for hazmat waste will have specific information written into the tags. Staff will use handheld RFID readers to scan labels and barcodes and they will then be uploaded to a backend database. The background system generates tasks and stores them in the warehouse, while sending task commands to the smart forklift or other means based on the type of waste and whatever specific handling protocols may apply to it.

Intelligent Forklifts

An intelligent forklift consists of a forklift industrial control computer (IPC) and an RFID reader. The advantage of these forklifts with smart hazmat handling tech is that they can work with the RFID tags to directly receive the warehousing tasks generated by the background system, and guide the forklift driver to the designated loading point for shipment of the dangerous goods. Delivering dumpster rentals for Trenton and Colborne is a simple matter, but this is certainly much more of a detailed process than that.

Forklifts arriving at the loading and unloading point to load dangerous goods will have their RFID reader supplying the info of the pallet label and be querying the background data system for confirmation of the information needed as pertains to dangerous goods being transferred. Determining handling protocols at this part of the chain means there is less chance of any amount of hazmat materials escaping from the transport.

RFID Dangerous Goods Management

Install RFID tags at warehouse entrances where Hazmat materials are handled will also be a part of this When the forklift enters the warehouse, the RFID reader will obtain the location information in the tag and compare it with the back-end system data. As information matches, it tells the forklift to go to the correct location and following handling protocols as established and with notes if those protocols may vary given the volume of material or any other contributing factor that might not be addressed with conventional hazmat handling approaches.

After the forklift driver arrives at the designated shelf, the RFIDHY RFID forklift management system will start unloading. When unloading, the RFID reader will read the shelf label and check whether the shelf information is correct. Provided it is, it will complete the warehousing operation and give feedback to the background system to update the inventory information in time.

RFID for Hazmat Storage Pre-Disposal

There are many instances where Hazmat materials need to be stored before they can be disposed of properly. Utilizing RFID tags in the warehousing process will help the hazardous waste management center strictly classify and store hazardous materials. Warehousing efficiency is improved as it means avoiding dislocation caused by human error, and maximizes the protection of dangerous goods.

There can also be benefits for the pretreatment of outbound dangerous goods and in accordance with relevant operating procedures. Different dangerous goods, methods and steps are different, and avoiding the wrong handling process is something that is make much more of a guaranteed when the correct information is readily and reliably available via an RFID tag.

RFID technology can definitely improve the automation, efficiency and standardization of hazardous waste in and out management.

Dumpster rentals for Colborne and Trenton are always just a call away for same-day site delivery with Load-n-Lift . Everyday materials or Hazmat, we can take take away every last bit of the waste you need gone and we have as many disposal bins as you need for making that happen. Rent a disposal bin from us and you’re automatically entered into a draw to win $250 that happens 4 times a year.