So, we’ve been flattening the curve, self-isolating, social distancing and just staying at home for a few weeks now. Though perhaps it has been months? Or does it only feel like longer? It is becoming harder to tell. But no matter how long you have been at home we are sure there are still some projects and cleaning up that hasn’t happened. Whether you’ve fallen into a spiral of Netflix or spent far too much timing trying to bake bread, we are confident you’ll feel much better at the end all this if you have something significant to show for it. We are of course talking about a full Load-n-Lift Bin that our team can take away for you! Because frankly, our team is tired of spending too much time baking bread also!
The possibilities are now endless for what you can accomplish while still doing your part to flatten the curve. Here are a few places where you might want to start:
The Garage
Many of us have been there, and don’t want to go back. The garage is notorious for becoming a dumping ground of the old, the broken and the ‘we might need that someday’ items. Now that the weather is improving its time to air out the garage and start getting rid of things you don’t need or had forgotten about entirely. By the end of the project, you might even be able to park the car in there!
The Backyard
As the snow is hopefully gone and finished for the season, it is time to clean up and clean out the backyard. Start by trimming back bushes, removing those weeds and rebuilding the garden. By removing the old and starting fresh, you can set yourself up for a lovely vegetable garden or begin designing a peaceful backyard oasis.
While a backyard oasis sounds lovely to some, maybe the first things that come to your mind are the mosquitos and summer thunderstorms that will put a damper on any relaxation. If this is the case you can start an indoor home renovation project, the first step, of course, being to get a Lift N Load Bin delivered! Start knocking down walls or tearing up carpets, whatever your renovation doesn’t need Load-n-Lift can take it away!
By the end of this social distancing period, it sure would be nice to have something to show for all your isolation time besides loaves upon loaves of bread. So, whether you are planning to tackle the garage, the backyard or an indoor renovation the first step should be to call Load-n-Lift to get you bin delivered today!