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Ways to Repurpose Old Garbage Bins

dateAugust 20, 2022 author
dateReading Time: 5 minutes

Most people are talking about opinions when they say everyone has one, but we’re talking about garbage bins. They fit that qualification too, as every household probably even has a few of them. Garbage bin technology has improved over the years just like it has for any consumer item While the bins at your home are dwarfed by the ones we send out to sites all around Trenton and Colborne as a disposal bin rental provider they still provide the same value. Just on a much smaller scale. Every type of item has a working lifespan, and when your garbage bins come to the end of theirs you have a decision to make; do your bins go in a bin of their own? Not realistic or practical to begin with, so why don’t you give some thought to repurposing your old garbage bins? This is the kind of topic that we can really get into… Read More

Huge Promise Seen Across the Board with Advanced Recycling Practices

dateJuly 20, 2022 author
dateReading Time: 5 minutes

One thing a disposal bin rental provider in Trenton or anywhere else in Canada, North America, or the world will be able to tell you is that the nature of what we do gives us a real insight into how keeping as much as possible out of landfills and other waste collections sites is hugely beneficial. We’re all doing much better with recycling, although the unfortunate truth is that a whole lot of what needs to be recycled doesn’t end up where it is supposed to. But continuing to make efforts to improve on that is what needs to be done. There is a lot of talk about advanced recycling these days, and for job site cleanup in Colborne or any other task where a lot of material must be removed, you’ll be best to get a dumpster rental from Load n Lift and fill it before we remove it the same way we delivered… Read More

Growing Role of IoT (Internet of Things) in Waste Management

dateJune 20, 2022 author
dateReading Time: 6 minutes

The reality nowadays is that if you even just blink once you may well miss a major development in technology that would be the talk of the town for months, that is if it weren’t hundreds of other developments occurring at pretty much the same time. We are fairly simple folks here at Load n’ Lift, and as you’ll know our expertise is all in waste removal and disposal for Colborne and Trenton areas of Ontario. You’ll never find us engineering software now or at any time in the foreseeable future, but when it comes to Trenton disposal bin rentals we know our stuff, although maybe not in a way that’s as impressive as web development. Where we’re going with all of this is the fact that in the last decade plus there’s been the building of a different type of Internet, and specifically with the Internet of Things. Without veering too far off topic,… Read More

Plasma Gasification / Plasma Arc Technology for Waste Management Technology

dateMay 20, 2022 author
dateReading Time: 7 minutes

Burning waste is nothing new, but up until recently pretty much all around the world it was never done in a manner that was even remotely beneficial and not entirely harmful. The only advantage it had is that it was a convenient and low-cost way to eliminate waste, but of course it was hugely polluting and not something that should have ever been done in the first place. Here and now in the 21st century we are now still exposing waste to extreme temperatures, but there’s no burning or combustion going on and it’s actually beneficial and not harmful. All of you will know that here at Load & Lift we specialize in Colborne and Trenton area dumpster rentals with rubbish bin disposal services where we bring you your bins and then collect them once you’ve filled them before disposing of the waste properly. There are all sorts of job sites all over Ontario where… Read More

EPR Extended Producer Responsibility Trends Advancing in 2022

dateMarch 20, 2022 author
dateReading Time: 5 minutes

The sheer volume of waste management that needs to be addressed by civic decision in cities all over North America is one thing, but what is increasingly being seen is massive upticks in the volume of hazmat waste that needs to be processed safely and responsibly too. It will be different depending on the type of waste we are talking about, and some of it is dealt with more easily than others. There are many HAZMAT certified waste disposal providers here in Trenton and Colborne Ontario, including us here at Load n’ Lift, but current consumer product trends are meaning there is a lot of waste that is much more complicated in its handling and disposal. One of those consumer product trends that is obviously very much at the forefront today is electric vehicles, and the way sales of these vehicles has really taken off is a reflection of how consumers realize the need to… Read More

City of Orillia Clear Garbage Bag Program Gets Started

dateFebruary 20, 2022 author
dateReading Time: 5 minutes

Orillia is quite a ways north of us here in Trenton and Colborne, and it’s known as the Sunshine City because it’s known to get more of the stuff than other regions of the province and one of the nice things about living there is you’ve got two lakes on either side of you. Of course we have one of the Great Lakes right in front of us with Lake Ontario here along Highway 401 but we’ll concede that Lake Simcoe has a lot going for it in comparison to Ontario and Georgian Bay is pretty special too. We are tops for waste disposal in Trenton and Colborne, but it appears that they’re starting to do things differently in Orillia. We’re also tops for Colborne disposal bin rentals, and you’re free to call them dumpster rentals if you like. But we’re fairly sure there isn’t a single see-through dumpster anywhere on the planet and we… Read More

AI Now in Use with Waste Disposal Bins in France

dateDecember 20, 2021 author
dateReading Time: 5 minutes

If you’ve never been to France it likely means you’ve never been across the Atlantic at all, and that’s because Paris and all the other destinations there are known to be exceptional when it comes to culture and experiences. There are other great countries and cities in Europe, but we’re not travel experts and our expertise is in waste disposal for Colborne and Trenton here in Ontario. We do dumpster rentals here, but that doesn’t mean we don’t take an interest in international travel. What we take more of an interest in is waste disposal technology and how we play a small part in a much bigger chain of how the things we ‘throw away’ are managed most effectively for our interest and ecological ones too. Which is why this news of waste disposal bins in the French city of Toulouse are now utilizing artificial intelligence to optimize collection resources and skip flows is the… Read More

New Ontario Excess Soil Registry through Provincial RPRA

dateNovember 20, 2021 author
dateReading Time: 4 minutes

The Province of Ontario and its RPRA Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority has launched a new Excess Soil Registry to ensure that soil use in the province is managed more responsibly and also to ensure that contaminated soil is not dumped illegally. The second part of that is certainly where we can relate to the importance of it, as we’re waste removal pros in Trenton and Colborne and our dumpster rentals are often used for clean fill. If soil is contaminated it becomes a more restricted disposal process and we know how to work 100% within provincial guidelines for this type of disposal. This new Excess Soil Registry is going to be a digital reporting service will aid with ensuring that the excess soil dug up each year during construction – more than 25 million cubic metres of it – is handled properly and excavation activities along with that in order to protect lands and… Read More

Better Sorter Technologies Really Improving Efficiency with C&D Recycling 

dateOctober 20, 2021 author
dateReading Time: 5 minutes

C&D stands for construction and demolition, and there is really no debating the fact that those are two of the types of jobs where the capacity to make waste is about as pronounced as it gets. Part of our waste disposal services for Trenton and Colborne areas of Ontario is providing disposal bin rentals to sites where older building are being demolished. It is a darn good thing that a greater focus is being put on recycling materials these days, and there is so much in the way of building materials that can be repurposed so long as they are recovered right. We just take care of the dumpster rentals and trash disposal in Trenton and Colborne, but we do know that the Province of Ontario is always looking for ways to optimize their waste management efforts and better recycling alongside them. All across North America and Europe C&D recycling systems have been evolving slowly… Read More

The Growing Appeal of PCR (Post Consumer Recycled) Resins

dateSeptember 20, 2021 author
dateReading Time: 6 minutes

Part of the 21st century has been in the collective realization that we all need to do better with the 3 Rs – reducing, reusing, and recycling – in order for us to be better stewards of the Earth we live on. That sort of change has to start small and at the local level, but when it comes to better waste management it’s in recycling that there’s promising progress being made and in particular with how less material ends up as disposed waste. Now this is all something that we can relate to here at Load n’ Lift being waste disposal bin rental providers in Trenton and Colborne ON. We wish had even half the smarts that the brain trusts behind emerging waste management technologies, and especially with those of them who have discussed ways to turn plastic waste into reusable resins that keep this plastic out of landfills or worse locations when it… Read More