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5 Tips for Better Jobsite Cleanup

dateJune 20, 2023 author
dateReading Time: 6 minutes
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Some jobsites are a whole lot bigger and involve a whole lot more in the scope what’s being done and the amount of waste material that’s going to be created over the course of the project. In those instances you’ll usually find that the site super is very vocal about how keeping a jobsite clean during the whole project makes it better and more efficient. Especially when that waste needs to leave in one large bulk when the job is entirely complete. Now of course that’s made easier in the first place if you’ve chosen Load n’ Lift for dumpster rentals in Colborne or Trenton, as we are always dropping of disposal bins at jobsites in this area of Ontario and then picking them up after demolitions teams or whatever else it may be has had them filled. The drop off / pick up part of the service is convenient for site / project managers… Read More

Success with Paper-Based Packaging Recycling in Ontario

dateMay 20, 2023 author
dateReading Time: 6 minutes
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The blue boxes have become synonymous with recycling now all across Canada, and it’s good that people will be more likely to recycle items based on having that type of quick-reference point for where their recycling needs to go. An additional understanding of what can be recycled but can’t go into the box is still required of people though, and the fact that so much manual sorting continues to have to be done at facility means there’s progress that still needs to be made there. Stringent regulations that exist for waste disposal in Ontario are easier to enforce compliance when it’s commercial scale or anything of the sort, and being a provider for dumpster rentals in Trenton and Colborne we have years and years of experience with the need to be adhere to regulations about what can be disposed of and where, and what can be recycled too. Jobsite cleanup usually involves putting more than… Read More

Top 5 Trends Driving Change in Waste  Management 

dateApril 20, 2023 author
dateReading Time: 6 minutes

We imagine there are very few cities if any in North America where people living there don’t see the effects of the continent’s population boom firsthand and see the profoundness of what happens when there’s so many more people living in a region. Waste production is always going to be a part of that, and civic governments need to be very attuned to what sort of advances in waste management practices and technology they can incorporate to better manage the ever-increasing volumes of waste their cities are creating. This is a need for international big cities too, and if you’ve ever left North America you’ll see how a lot of them have metro populations that are way bigger than ours. Interestingly enough a lot of them do a lot better with municipal waste management and large-scale industrial recycling too. The expertise there is considerable though, and they’ve also got much larger tax bases to work… Read More

NYC’s New Trash Barrel Robots

dateMarch 20, 2023 author
dateReading Time: 5 minutes

How many of you have at some point felt that it’s the one time you need a city trash bin when there’s none to be found nearly anywhere. You need to make your way to one, and if not you have one of 2 options; carry your refuse with you indefinitely or be civically irresponsible and litter. But what about if there’s the chance that a trash bin is making its way to you? Technology is quite amazing, and as much as we admire it we’re thankful that what we do as dumpster rental in Trenton and Colborne provider is much more straightforward and doesn’t require a whole lot more than the bins, a fleet of trucks to deliver and pick them up, and a commitment to good customer service and the best price on disposal bin rentals around here. Enough about that though. Where we’re going with this talk about trash bins and technology… Read More

Conventional Microwaves for Solar Cell Recycling

dateFebruary 20, 2023 author
dateReading Time: 5 minutes
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The green shift is well underway all around the world as it needs to be, and part of going green is relying on energy sources that are in line with the net-zero goals most countries are aspiring to. Solar is at the forefront of that, for obvious reasons. The sun rises in the east and sets in the West no matter where you are and the fact it’s up there a good 10+ hours a day means there’s power to be had from it. Solar charging panels are seen all over the place, and they’re becoming as commonplace as it is to think of Load n’ Lift first for dumpster rentals in Trenton and Colborne Ontario. But as much good as they do with clean energy production, solar panels are a bit of a headache when it comes to recycling them once they’ve reached the end of their working lives. But there’s new research that… Read More

Grading System for Diverting Textiles from Landfills

dateJanuary 20, 2023 author
dateReading Time: 5 minutes

Clothing doesn’t remain wearable forever, and many times the reason it’s not worn anymore is because it’s not intact. But that doesn’t mean it no longer exists, and a lot of the time old clothing ends up in the trash and then in landfills. Estimates are that Canadians throw out around 500 million kilograms of clothing and fabric home items each year, and it’s something we all do and will likely continue to be doing as long as it’s not acceptable to leave the house naked. All joking aside, textile waste in landfills is a problem in Canada. It’s a far stretch from what we do as a dumpster rental provider for Trenton and Colborne here in Ontario, but as is always the case any topic that is connectable to waste management interests is going to be of interest to us. So that’s what we’ll use as our blog entry here this time around. Have… Read More

Future of Solid Waste Management

dateDecember 20, 2022 author
dateReading Time: 7 minutes
Future of Solid Waste Management

There’s no getting around the fact that humans create trash, and we’ve been doing it since we were cavemen. The only difference is that back then there wasn’t very many of us, and the small amounts of refuse made by those humans weren’t much of a problem. Fast forward thousands of years and the sheer number of people on the planet means the amount of solid waste we make it hugely problematic. But it’s going to happen one way or another, and so civic governments have to have the right approaches to dealing with it. Our scope of operations and responsibilities here at Load n’ Lift is much smaller and simpler, and what we need to be relied on for is delivering disposal bin rentals for Trenton and Colborne area residents who need them. Nothing too complicated or challenging about that, and we take a lot of pride in our service track record with getting… Read More

RFID Tagging for Hazmat Waste Disposal

dateNovember 20, 2022 author
dateReading Time: 6 minutes

The fact of the matter is that hazmat (hazardous material) waste continues to be improperly disposed of way too often, and while that is not the case in Canada and the USA this is especially true in other areas of the world where enforcement of proper disposal is lax. We are certainly not experts with hazmat waste here at Load n’ Lift, but we are certified for hazmat waste disposal and it’s something we do much less often than disposal bin rentals for the Trenton and Colborne areas of Ontario. We may not be experts on the waste itself, but we are experts when it comes to getting that waste to where it needs to go in the best way possible. RFID stands for radio-frequent identification, and these days most people will be familiar with the term based on the anti-card data theft wallets that prevent your cards from being scanned without you knowing it… Read More

Long and Short on Littering

dateOctober 20, 2022 author
dateReading Time: 6 minutes

With every municipality in the Province and the entire country full of more people than ever before, it is also more important to properly dispose of garbage and trash than ever before too. Nearly every topic that we talk about with our blog here at Load and Lift is related to waste disposal in some way or another, and today we’re talking it down to the lowest common denominator with talking about what people do – or don’t do – to dispose of their litter and why people are inclined to do what they do with it, good or bad. A bit of long ways off from talking about disposal bin rentals for Trenton and Colborne, but we can still frame the two topics in the same blog entry if we get creative. Or not. But for now let’s have a look at this because the huge problem with littering isn’t just a problem in… Read More

Ways to Repurpose Old Garbage Bins

dateSeptember 20, 2022 author
dateReading Time: 5 minutes

Continuing along with this blog entry as a continuation of the last one with the remaining 7 ways you can repurpose and old garbage bin. We’ll get right to them, but as always we’ll say that for disposal bin rentals in Colborne and Trenton you have the best service provider in this part of Ontario with Load n’ Lift. Our bins have yet to be repurposed but let’s go ahead and say those steel walls endure a lot more wear and tear that your standard garbage bin ever could. Not something you’ll ever have at the end of your driveway for years and years though before needing to be put out to pasture, as the expression goes. You won’t be producing piles and piles of waste at any one time anyways, and if you did you’d be looking for a Trenton dumpster rental with job site delivery or something similar. So let’s continue right along… Read More