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Make Senior Home Renovations Easy with Waste Bin Rentals and Junk Removal in Belleville

dateDecember 1, 2013 author
dateReading Time: 3 minutes
Make Senior Home Renovations Easy with Waste Bin Rentals and Junk Removal in Belleville

Did you know that the most popular time of year for home renovations occurs just after the holiday season? It’s true! And, recent studies have shown that the types of home renovations undertaken during this time focus more on convenience, specifically for the elderly or those people living with disabilities. Renovating homes to make them wheelchair accessible, more easily navigable for seniors and to simplify the layout overall allows for independent living in the long term. If you’re thinking about undertaking renovations to make a home more accessible for the person living there, don’t forget about the need for waste bin rentals and junk removal in Belleville! Not only is renting a bin a convenient way to expedite your remodeling project, it’s also a far more effective way to ensure that renovations are completed to the highest degree of safety. Simplifying waste disposal Let’s say that you’ve decided to undertake a kitchen remodel, to make… Read More

Downsizing? Don’t Forget Disposal Bins in Trenton, ON!

dateNovember 15, 2013 author
dateReading Time: 3 minutes
Downsizing? Don’t Forget Disposal Bins in Trenton, ON!

There comes a time in everyone’s life–whether you’re a homeowner or the owner of a small business–when it’s time to downsize. If you’re cleaning out your home, getting rid of the clutter from your small business or undertaking a remodel, it’s important not to forget about the chief basic need that all of these situations share: disposal bins in Trenton, ON. When you’re getting rid of the clutter, you’re going to need somewhere to house it while the downsizing process is in full swing! Real estate cleanups Cleaning out a home or other piece of real estate can be a hefty job, especially if it’s one that’s long overdue. Siphoning through the clutter in your basement, your attic or a garage means you’ll need a sizeable disposal receptacle to house all of the items you’re no longer looking to keep. Having conveniently parked disposal bins in Trenton, ON makes a real estate cleanup as simple… Read More

Ten Reasons to Utilize Locally Owned Garbage Bins in Belleville, ON

dateNovember 1, 2013 author
dateReading Time: 4 minutes
Ten Reasons to Utilize Locally Owned Garbage Bins in Belleville, ON

Shopping locally and utilizing local businesses does more than just incite a good feeling when you do it: it also contributes to the local economy and community in a number of impactful ways. Even making a simple choice like using local garbage bins in Belleville , ON from Load-N-Lift Disposal & Haulage can have tremendously impactful results! Take a look at the top ten different ways that choosing to shop locally can benefit the community: In choosing local business, you’re choosing to support small companies that are family owned and operated. Many times, these small businesses are run by people that you know or who make an effort to better the community. Shopping locally bolsters these businesses and helps them to reciprocate their efforts in the community. Support for local organizations and teams plays a huge part in shopping locally. There’s a good chance that the business you’re shopping at or the services that you’re… Read More

Moving or Renovating in Belleville, Trenton, Cobourg or Port Hope?

dateOctober 16, 2013 author
dateReading Time: 4 minutes
Moving or Renovating in Belleville, Trenton, Cobourg or Port Hope?

Are you moving to or from the Belleville or Trenton area? If you are, chances are, you’re also going to need to get rid of a few things along the way. Moving is never easy, but it’s considerably easier when you take some of the junk you’ve accumulated out of the equation! Load-N-Lift makes it simple to get rid of your excess junk by offering garbage bin rentals to Belleville, Trenton, Cobourg or Port Hope residents! Plus, Load-N-Lift proudly supports our Canadian Forces Base (CFB) and Trenton Canadian military families with a five percent military discount on all bin rentals–so getting rid of rubbish is even easier if you’re a moving member of the armed forces! How do I get rid of the rubbish? Load-N-Lift takes the stress out of getting rid of years of accumulated junk. How, you ask? Well, thanks to our convenient garbage bin rentals in Belleville, Trenton, Cobourg and Port Hope,… Read More

How to Save Money With Waste Bins Rentals and Junk Removal in Colborne, ON

dateOctober 15, 2013 author
dateReading Time: 4 minutes

People are always looking for the best way to save money when it comes to just about anything. From clipping coupons to staving off that impulse buy at the store, it can be hard to keep yourself from swiping the credit card at times when you shouldn’t. There are some easy ways to save money, however, especially when it comes to utilizing waste bins rentals and junk removal in Colborne, Belleville, Trenton, Cobourg or Port Hope ON. So, how can spending money to rent a bin actually save you money in the long run? Read on to find out: Landscaping and Property Management: If you’re a proud homeowner, then you know the feeling of satisfaction that you get from a long hard day of property work. After you’ve cut the grass, trimmed the bushes and clipped your tree branches, you’re left with a great looking yard… but you’re also left with a pile of rubbish… Read More

Paying the Right Price for Your Reroofing and the Rubbish Bin Rentals in Ontario That Come with it

dateSeptember 28, 2013 author
dateReading Time: 3 minutes
Paying the Right Price for Your Reroofing and the Rubbish Bin Rentals in Ontario That Come with it

Fall is the optimal time to replace the shingles on your roof for a number of reasons. Firstly, with the summer months behind us, whoever is working diligently on your roof won’t have to worry about baking in the heat while they climb around on a hot roof all day. Secondly, by revamping your roof before winter comes storming in, you’ll be preparing your home for the snow and ice that’s going to befall it for the next few consecutive months. And finally, replacing your roof in the fall means less of a chance for your workers to experience those freak summertime thunderstorms we’re all so familiar with–which will spring out of nowhere and shut down work on your roof until it’s passed. With fall being the prime time to get a roof redone, there are a few things that you, as a homeowner, should take into account–things that will help save you time, money… Read More

Selecting a Responsible Rubbish Removal Company in Trenton, ON

dateSeptember 16, 2013 author
dateReading Time: 3 minutes
Selecting a Responsible Rubbish Removal Company in Trenton, ON

We’ve all seen them driving along the streets at one time or another–unlicensed rubbish removers. You usually see them driving the typical beat-up pickup truck that’s overflowing with a poorly secured load of random junk. Aside from changing lanes when driving behind one, most people don’t give them a second thought–that is, until they have rubbish that needs hauling. A lot of people hire unlicensed rubbish removers because they often provide their services at a cut rate, and because they are usually small startup operations–and we tend to celebrate entrepreneurship in all of its forms. However, if you go with an unlicensed rubbish remover, more likely than not you’ll get what you paid for. Unfortunately, most unlicensed rubbish collectors are unlicensed for a reason. A lot of these unlicensed collectors fail to follow regulations for disposal, and frequently resort to illegal dumping to save money. Illegal dumping is a huge problem that costs taxpayers millions… Read More

Clean Fill and Rubbish Removal Services in Belleville, ON

dateSeptember 2, 2013 author
dateReading Time: 3 minutes
Clean Fill and Rubbish Removal Services in Belleville, ON

When you’re in the waste removal business, you begin to see the utility of a lot of things people consider waste. Many construction, renovation and demolition projects generate materials that, while they have no application for the specific project in question, can be used in other projects as clean fill. At Load-N-Lift, we offer superior clean fill services to businesses in Belleville, ON and the surrounding area. Clean fill can consist of a wide range of materials, including topsoil, sand, gravel, clay, brick and concrete. The most important part of clean fill is the “clean” part, which means that these materials are free of harmful contaminants, like radioactive material, flammable chemicals, etc. These materials are often generated by demolition, grading of the ground surface or are simply byproducts of the construction process. Clean fill is often recycled in construction projects to level or raise the ground surface. Clean fill can be dumped in to resurface… Read More

Cottage Renovation Made Easy: Load-N-Lift’s Waste Container Rentals in Cobourg, ON Help Local Remodeling Efforts

dateAugust 12, 2013 author
dateReading Time: 3 minutes
Cottage Renovation Made Easy: Load-N-Lift’s Waste Container Rentals in Cobourg, ON Help Local Remodeling Efforts

A concerted remodeling effort is often what separates a “cottage” from the common horror movie trope of “creepy cabin in the woods.” Cottage remodeling does present more than a few issues, however. Once you’ve decided to undertake a renovation job, there are tons of logistics to consider. Since the inherent charm of most cottages is their remoteness, one of the biggest obstacles to a cottage remodel is simply getting materials in and out of the job site. As you renovate your cottage, whether you’re replacing an old deck, tearing out an old boathouse or just performing a long-overdue cleanup, you’re inevitably going to generate a lot of waste materials. One of the biggest follies you can make is leaving these materials in a heap somewhere on your property. These heaps often become homes to pests and animals like mice, opossums and raccoons. Once those little guys have moved in, waste disposal becomes a whole lot… Read More

Four Reasons to Not Move Your Own Small Machinery

dateJuly 29, 2013 author
dateReading Time: 4 minutes
Four Reasons to Not Move Your Own Small Machinery

Most small businesses–contractors, landscapers, roofers–assume they need to move their small machinery equipment to a job site by themselves. If they own the machinery, or even lease it, then it’s their responsibility to get it to their next job location, right? Think again, because there are four great reasons you should leave hauling small machinery equipment to a professional service in Trenton. Safety: Loading and unloading small machinery equipment can be dangerous. Just because you are a professional at constructing homes, replacing roofs, or landscaping yards, doesn’t mean you are a professional at moving heavy machinery. Even small skid loaders or bulldozers weigh thousands of pounds. If a truck isn’t positioned correctly, or the equipment isn’t correctly sized in relation to the truck carrying it, a tragic accident can occur. Hundreds of work place injuries are caused by incorrect lifting, loading, or hauling. Injuries can cause insurance nightmares and failed businesses. Instead of taking the… Read More