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Tangible Benefits of Reusable Packaging Reinforced by Case Studies

dateJanuary 1, 2025 author
dateReading Time: 6 minutes

If there was a way to get around expanding populations producing ever-greater amounts of waste it would have been implemented generations ago, but there’s not and so no such a move has ever been possible. Humans produce waste, and that’s the simple fact of the matter. What municipalities do have control over is how that waste is handled, and getting better at making recycling a possibility for as much of it as possible. This is an especially pressing need for consumer good packaging and anyone can grasp why that is if you live here in North America. Our locale is here on the Eastern side of Ontario, and as you’ll all know by now our area of expertise is much more in Trenton and Colborne dumpster rentals much more than it is in recycling. But it is an industry that operates in step with ours and recycling collected materials when possible is a part of… Read More

Importance of Keeping Food Waste Out of Landfills

dateNovember 21, 2024 author
dateReading Time: 6 minutes

We’re going to go ahead and assume that the vast majority of you reading this have never worked in a landfill or urban waste disposal facility. If you did you’d be very much aware of just how much food waste is produced, and more disturbingly just how much of it is disposed improperly. The fact that it can decompose means it is hugely of problematic for those in charge of handling the waste and processing it properly. We don’t need to explain how it would be that way, and fortunately with our expertise being with dumpster rentals in Trenton and Colborne we don’t deal with this stuff. But better and more responsible of food waste is directly in line with more efficient and less harmful disposal of waste. Along with better recycling of it too, as food waste can contaminate material that otherwise might be recyclable. This is especially true for plastics, and the need… Read More

Sustainable Waste Management: Why Recycling Matters in Trenton

dateSeptember 30, 2024 author
dateReading Time: 10 minutes

Just think about the world that we inhale with our garbage dumps full, large areas filled with landfills and seas filled with plastics. This is undoubtedly the situation we live in today, in a world where negative consequences of wrong methods of waste disposal are evident. As for Trenton: this large province with a well-developed ecological tourism occupies a crucial place in environmental protection, the problem of rational disposal of waste is more acute than ever. Scrap collection is usually viewed as input of personal limitation, however in fact recycling is one of the key strategies for creating a considerably improved environment. Buying and choosing to recycle is not just a method of disposal of waste material, but it is also segregation of waste material for reuse in a circle hence leading to the conservation of raw resources that are scarce on the surface of the earth. This blog looks into the importance of recycling… Read More

Top Benefits of Professional Junk Removal Services for Residential and Commercial Properties

dateSeptember 25, 2024 author
dateReading Time: 8 minutes

It is indeed overwhelming if one takes a look at the issues of garbage in handling trash and litter for residential or commercial property owners. Be it an individual due to moving, renovating, or just finding some free space within a property, junk piles can indeed seem daunting. But now, hope is at bay through professional junk removal services! In this blog, we shall discuss the most important benefits of availing these services and how they make life easier both at home and at office. Clutter-Free Space Then, doing so will bring along with it many positive effects that can deeply impact your life at various levels. For example, removing unwanted items or waste streamlines and cleans up a space to a more attractive appearance, so you can find anything easily and feel much less stressed. The fewer things you have in your home or business, the less chances you have of feeling stressed and… Read More

Near $90K of Federal Funding Going to Rubber Band Recycling Initiative

dateSeptember 17, 2024 author
dateReading Time: 5 minutes

Rubber is the ultimate resilient material, equal parts stretchable and flexible and able to snap back into form after being pulled to any extent. That’s why rubber bands have the degree of usefulness that they do, and they’re used for innumerable retaining and containing purposes every day. Their practicality means that there are literally millions out there in use at any time, and what happens with them is that they’re often discarded into the trash. For the same reason that rubber is so durable it is also not easily broken down, and rubber in the trash is going to be in landfills for a LONG time before it even starts to degrade a bit. It’s because of this fact that a need to recycle rubber bands to a much greater extent has been agreed to by the Feds here in Canada. And as such it has been recently been announced that $89,000 of federal funding… Read More

Campers in Ontario Now Able to Recycle Used Gas Cylinders

dateAugust 19, 2024 author
dateReading Time: 6 minutes

Summer has been in full swing all across Canada for near 2 months now, and as is usually the case the warm weather will probably last well into September. And the late sunsets are guaranteed to do that. Unless you live on the West Coast the cold winters in Canada mean people are especially eager to spend as much time in the outdoors as possible during the summer, and of course camping is always a big part of doing that. It’s an activity that’s especially dear to families, and we do have a lot of nice Provincial campgrounds in Ontario. As you’d guess, smart waste management is always a pressing need at campsites, and there is a lot of waste produced by campers and there’s no getting around that reality. Campsites make clear about where that waste needs to go, and with what can be recycled and where that needs to go too. It’s not… Read More

The Origins of the Commercial Dumpster & Choosing One

dateJuly 18, 2024 author
dateReading Time: 7 minutes

It’s no secret that disposal bins are our specialty here, and if you were ever to stop by in person at either of our locations in Trenton our Colborne dumpsters are what we could talk about for hours. We can also get one out to your job site or your residence the same day when you call us and request a dumpster rental, and you’ll see why the roll-off bins we have are the best for both our trucks and your property. Enough with the self-promotion for now though, what we’re going to do now is look at commercial dumpster design from as much of an evolutionary perspective as is possible with us. Let’s start by making it interesting and maybe a little surprising. Dempster isn’t an uncommon surname in North America, and you’ll see it as one of the predominant brands of bread at supermarkets in Canada. Back in the 1930s there was a… Read More

New App Identifies Recyclable Products

dateJune 17, 2024 author
dateReading Time: 6 minutes

There are more than 8 billion people on the planet, and more and more of them are being enfranchised for a 1st-world, carbon intensive, and mega consumerist lifestyle all the time. That has the potential to turn out really badly for all of us in the long run, but your Liberal globalist overlords would prefer it if we don’t think about that. But if there’s one thing we can talk about and agree upon it’s that anything and everything that has reached the end of its working life and can stay out of the trash should stay out of it. The amount of waste being produced by so many people living a super-modern, ultra-urban lifestyle isn’t realistically going to be curbed, but if there’s anything that can be done to promote more recycling and repurposing then we should all be getting behind that 100%. Our expertise is with dumpster rentals for the Trenton and Colborne… Read More

Trash Traps Keeping Toronto Harbour Cleaner

dateMay 22, 2024 author
dateReading Time: 8 minutes

Here in our part of Ontario we are quite a ways from Canada’s biggest and most densely populated city, but anytime there’s new technology put into use for waste collection and recycling we’re going to take note no matter where in Canada that’s happening. Our specialty may be with dumpster rentals for Trenton and Colborne areas of the Province, but we always take interest in waste management trends of any type. With Toronto being the Canadian city with the highest number of people residing there means a whole lot of trash is produced there, and like any big city some of it is going to end up where it shouldn’t be. No one is going to select disposal bin rentals and have them set up along the harbor front on Lake Ontario there, and even if the city would allow it a lot of trash would still end up in the water. That has been… Read More

Biomass Energy Production Potential Spurring Ontario Provincial Investment

dateMarch 11, 2024 author
dateReading Time: 6 minutes

Being a dumpster rental service provider for Colborne and Trenton we have seen pretty much everything being dumped into our delivered disposal bins as all types of waste that needs to be collected and disposed of properly. We’ve built a good reputation for service with waste collection and disposal in this part of Ontario, and you may well have seen red trucks with the Load n’ Lift logo on the side driving down the highway delivering one of dumpster bin rentals to a job site of any sort in this part of the Province. As you’d expect, the one type of disposal waste we don’t see much of with our waste bin collection is bio waste, but when we look at what’s produced as waste on the Provincial level there’s been a real trend where this type of waste is increasingly redirected in recycling and disposal channels to be processed into biofuels. Now it’s also… Read More