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40 Million Kilos of Batteries Recycled in Ontario Since 1997

dateJuly 20, 2023 author
dateReading Time: 5 minutes
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No debating that power is a precious thing here in North America and all over the world. Portable power is equally as necessary, but the unavoidable reality is that there’s waste creation involved in that in a way that doesn’t exist when you can just plug something into the wall. AA batteries lead the charge for years when it came to batteries that were ending up in the general trash and landfills very regularly, but that’s not the case anymore.

We’ve got our own area of expertise with Trenton and Colborne dumpster rentals and waste pick up and disposal, and the folks at Call2Recycle Canada Inc. have their own in improving recycling rates for harder-to-recycle products like batteries. While most of what we gather with jobsite trash pick up or waste disposal following major home renovations can be directed to traditional waste management sites among the different municipalities.

With batteries that’s never going to be the case, and that’s why it’s both newsworthy and impressive that these guys have recycled more than 40 million kilos of used batteries over the past nearly 26 years. And we’re not only talking about batteries for handheld electronic devices like flashlights and TV remotes here.

Buying rechargeable batteries is a smart and cost-saving move in the same way calling us for Colborne and Trenton disposal bin rentals is, but we’re also even talking about batteries for e-bikes and other more modern and advanced consumer products that are being more effectively recycled in the Province, and we all stand to benefit from these improved recycling initiatives in Ontario and elsewhere in Canada.

Collective Efforts

Call2Recycle has been working with battery manufacturers, retailers, provincial governments, and municipalities over many years and with greater success every year with regard to building efficient collection program and support battery initiatives across the country. Let’s look at this through the lens of the way Canada is gearing up for net-zero emission strategies towards 2050, and improving battery recycling diversion rates in the coming years is definitely going to be a part of that.

Discarded batteries have far too often been sent into landfills where they create the potential for environmental harm and worsening Canada’s Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. The largest amount of emissions from Canada’s solid waste sector from landfills, and this number is routinely around 80% or more of total waste emissions each year. The 2030 Emissions Reduction Plan identifies waste prevention, reuse, and recycling as key sources of potential for GHG reductions.

These continued efforts have included expanding the horizons for recycling infrastructure that is better set up to accommodate battery recycling, and so the focus is also on continued innovation and expanding our recycling infrastructure. Which will be needed as the country’s expanding use of many different types of batteries that can be recycled seems like a trend that is only going to grow in strength.

Much Less Contribution to Atmospheric CO2 Emissions

No better time than now to remind you that we also have lease to own dumpster bins available for contractors who need disposal bins and don’t want to assume an upfront cost. Trenton area dumpster rentals and disposal bins in Belleville will make sense for 1-off jobs, but if you are in a trade where you produce plenty of jobsite waste then it may be a good idea to rent to own a dumpster bin in Ontario.

Recycling batteries properly means fewer waste storage fire risks, plus the chemical and metal components of batteries do not end up in landfills and harming the environment. Estimates are that the environmental impact of diverting 40 million kilograms of batteries from landfills can work out to to preventing approximately 6,260,000 kg of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2-eq) emissions.

Used batteries can also be repurposed. You might be surprised to learn that they can be incorporated into the manufacturing process for golf clubs, silverware, and cooking pots and pans. Those are just a few examples of how recycled batteries can be repurposed.


Advances in recycling are always impressive and it is nice to hear of waste being better handled. We’d like to think that for waste disposal in Colborne and Trenton, Ontario we are part of that too, and so make sure you call Load n’ Lift first and get your disposal bin rentals delivered and picked up. Also including responsible disposal that is always in adherence with Provincial guidelines. Check out our Offers Page where you can learn about senior citizen discounts on Ontario disposal bin rentals and ones for Canadian military members serving at CFB Trenton.