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New Ontario Excess Soil Registry through Provincial RPRA

dateNovember 20, 2021 author
dateReading Time: 4 minutes

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The Province of Ontario and its RPRA Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority has launched a new Excess Soil Registry to ensure that soil use in the province is managed more responsibly and also to ensure that contaminated soil is not dumped illegally. The second part of that is certainly where we can relate to the importance of it, as we’re waste removal pros in Trenton and Colborne and our dumpster rentals are often used for clean fill. If soil is contaminated it becomes a more restricted disposal process and we know how to work 100% within provincial guidelines for this type of disposal.

This new Excess Soil Registry is going to be a digital reporting service will aid with ensuring that the excess soil dug up each year during construction – more than 25 million cubic metres of it – is handled properly and excavation activities along with that in order to protect lands and their ground or surface water. Better avoidance of having illegally dumped contaminated soils is an aim too.

We have property restoration service providers we have worked with in the past who do jobs where, for example, an old heating oil tank has ruptured and the small amount of contaminated soil that needs to be disposed of can’t be handled in the same way as if it were just loose earth.

Plenty of Prep Time

The electronic registry is set to launch a month in advance of it being legally required to give the construction and soil management industries a full month to learn the system and file notices in advance of the new requirements so that it can be determined obligated parties are operating in compliance with the new regulations.

Provincial Ministry of Environment spokespeople are saying that this new Excess Soil Registry is a major step forward when it comes to protecting our environment while supporting Ontario’s construction industry at the same time. It has been oriented to allow overseers to track the re-use and disposal of excess soil with an eye to ensuring that clean soil is treated as an obviously valuable resource and regimenting that contaminated soil is disposed of properly.

The belief is it will reduce the amount of waste that goes to landfill plus keep our environment more clean and healthy.

Clearer Communication Too

It is also expected that the new registry will promote easier finding of information about construction and excavation activities in their communities, plus better enable regulators to oversee the movement of excess soil throughout the province through a searchable database of notices. Resources for such are available on RPRA’s website to help users understand how to use the registry and they can also be contacted at registry@rpra.ca or toll free at 1-833-600-0530.

The RPRA has established the registry following their consultation with the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks and industry stakeholders, along with technology partners collaboration. The ministry’s responsibility here is in creating and implementing policies and programs related to excess soil plus arranging and rolling out compliance and enforcement activities under the Excess Soil Regulation.

In the bigger picture the RPRA oversees resource recovery programs around the collection of tires, electronics, batteries, household hazardous and special products, as well as the ubiquitous Ontario Blue Box program for consumer recyclables. RPRA is also responsible for building and maintaining digital reporting services for waste programs that are designed to past simple producer responsibility with how recycling friendly their products are.

Anyone who has waste disposal needs in the Trenton and Colborne areas of Ontario can have taken off their hands quickly and easily by getting in touch with us here and Load n’ Lift. We are best for disposal bin rentals here and we pick up the filled bins in the same timely manner as when we drop them off right on time and right when you need them. All waste material handled is disposed of in the best way as determined by Province of Ontario waste disposal and recycling guidelines. We understand the benefit of that in a big way, and we’re always stringent about this part of our work.