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Importance of Keeping Food Waste Out of Landfills

dateNovember 21, 2024 author
dateReading Time: 6 minutes

We’re going to go ahead and assume that the vast majority of you reading this have never worked in a landfill or urban waste disposal facility. If you did you’d be very much aware of just how much food waste is produced, and more disturbingly just how much of it is disposed improperly. The fact that it can decompose means it is hugely of problematic for those in charge of handling the waste and processing it properly. We don’t need to explain how it would be that way, and fortunately with our expertise being with dumpster rentals in Trenton and Colborne we don’t deal with this stuff. But better and more responsible of food waste is directly in line with more efficient and less harmful disposal of waste. Along with better recycling of it too, as food waste can contaminate material that otherwise might be recyclable. This is especially true for plastics, and the need… Read More