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Success with Paper-Based Packaging Recycling in Ontario

dateMay 20, 2023 author
dateReading Time: 6 minutes

The blue boxes have become synonymous with recycling now all across Canada, and it’s good that people will be more likely to recycle items based on having that type of quick-reference point for where their recycling needs to go. An additional understanding of what can be recycled but can’t go into the box is still required of people though, and the fact that so much manual sorting continues to have to be done at facility means there’s progress that still needs to be made there. Stringent regulations that exist for waste disposal in Ontario are easier to enforce compliance when it’s commercial scale or anything of the sort, and being a provider for dumpster rentals in Trenton and Colborne we have years and years of experience with the need to be adhere to regulations about what can be disposed of and where, and what can be recycled too. Jobsite cleanup usually involves putting more than… Read More