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NYC’s New Trash Barrel Robots

dateMarch 20, 2023 author
dateReading Time: 5 minutes

How many of you have at some point felt that it’s the one time you need a city trash bin when there’s none to be found nearly anywhere. You need to make your way to one, and if not you have one of 2 options; carry your refuse with you indefinitely or be civically irresponsible and litter. But what about if there’s the chance that a trash bin is making its way to you? Technology is quite amazing, and as much as we admire it we’re thankful that what we do as dumpster rental in Trenton and Colborne provider is much more straightforward and doesn’t require a whole lot more than the bins, a fleet of trucks to deliver and pick them up, and a commitment to good customer service and the best price on disposal bin rentals around here. Enough about that though. Where we’re going with this talk about trash bins and technology… Read More