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RFID Tagging for Hazmat Waste Disposal

dateNovember 20, 2022 author
dateReading Time: 6 minutes

The fact of the matter is that hazmat (hazardous material) waste continues to be improperly disposed of way too often, and while that is not the case in Canada and the USA this is especially true in other areas of the world where enforcement of proper disposal is lax. We are certainly not experts with hazmat waste here at Load n’ Lift, but we are certified for hazmat waste disposal and it’s something we do much less often than disposal bin rentals for the Trenton and Colborne areas of Ontario. We may not be experts on the waste itself, but we are experts when it comes to getting that waste to where it needs to go in the best way possible. RFID stands for radio-frequent identification, and these days most people will be familiar with the term based on the anti-card data theft wallets that prevent your cards from being scanned without you knowing it… Read More