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AI Now in Use with Waste Disposal Bins in France

dateDecember 20, 2021 author
dateReading Time: 5 minutes

If you’ve never been to France it likely means you’ve never been across the Atlantic at all, and that’s because Paris and all the other destinations there are known to be exceptional when it comes to culture and experiences. There are other great countries and cities in Europe, but we’re not travel experts and our expertise is in waste disposal for Colborne and Trenton here in Ontario. We do dumpster rentals here, but that doesn’t mean we don’t take an interest in international travel. What we take more of an interest in is waste disposal technology and how we play a small part in a much bigger chain of how the things we ‘throw away’ are managed most effectively for our interest and ecological ones too. Which is why this news of waste disposal bins in the French city of Toulouse are now utilizing artificial intelligence to optimize collection resources and skip flows is the… Read More