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True or False – Containers Cleaned of Food Residue are Recycled More Consistently

dateJuly 20, 2020 author
dateReading Time: 5 minutes

Everyone’s busy these days and has a thousand things ‘on their plate’ as the expression goes. But when it comes to recycling the plastic containers that a lot of food comes in now, some people say it’s a good choice to do as much as you can to get the residue of what went onto your plate off of those containers. What we’re talking about here is the food residue that’s often left on the container insides and will remain there in the recycling box unless you take some time to wash it off. It’s been said that if you’re a person who cares about plastic waste in the landfills and – perhaps more importantly – the extent of plastic pollution in the ocean – then this is something that you want to get behind. But is that actually true? There are people who insist that a lot of food containers that have food residue… Read More