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Why do people use disposal bins when municipal waste pick-up is available?

dateNovember 18, 2016 author
dateReading Time: 3 minutes

Most people think of disposal bins as items only used by large businesses and not typical homeowners. After all, homeowners can put their trash on the curb each week and thanks to their Toronto municipal taxes, that junk is picked up and carried away. But there are good reasons why a homeowner might want to use a disposal bin. When you use disposable bins, you don’t have to wait a whole week for your rubbish to be collected. Instead you can schedule a pickup with Load n Lift who will collect your mountain of garbage all at the same time. An instance where a typical person may use disposable bins when they are undertaking a special home renovation project which makes their rubbish overflow and they don’t want to wait for the municipal waste truck to collect their eyesore. Letting rubbish overflow is unsightly and could invite pests, in order to avoid that, some opt… Read More