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The Argument Against Clutter: Comfort, Creativity and Peace of Mind

dateOctober 16, 2016 author
dateReading Time: 2 minutes

Is it high time to clear out excess items from you home, get rid of junk, or haul a load to the dump? Many folks might not be aware of it, but a cluttered home – or any area of it – can have a seriously negative effect on any number of aspects of your mental state. Often it’s difficult for homeowners to make the decision about what stays and what goes, and that’s true even for those of us who aren’t what they call “hoarders.” When you only have so much square footage in your home, however, it’s pretty common to have to make those tough decisions. Studies have shown that a home that is cleaner, tidier, and features more open space is increasingly conducive to people being creative, emotionally responsive, thinking objectively, and enjoying peace of mind and a greater sense of being entirely comfortable and relaxed. There’s even more in the way… Read More