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Make the Most Out of Garbage Bin Rentals in Trenton, ON This Holiday Season

dateOctober 15, 2015 author
dateReading Time: 3 minutes

As the holiday season approaches, there are likely dozens of different tasks on your to-do list, and garbage is likely the last thing on your mind. After all, you have to handle presents, food, party guest lists and much more. Fortunately, there are several ways in which investing in garbage bin rentals in Trenton, ON can make your holiday season easier, more enjoyable, and more socially responsible. If you are up to your eyeballs in holiday planning, read on to learn more about how garbage bin rentals in Trenton , ON can help you make the most out of this holiday season: Clean your home: As Thanksgiving draws closer, you are likely figuring out who in your family will host which holidays this year. If you are stressed about hosting because your house is a mess or you don’t have enough space, a garbage bin rental will make it easy to clear out some space… Read More

Advice From Your Rubbish Removal Service: 7 Ways to Make Your Home DIY Project Run Smoothly

dateOctober 1, 2015 author
dateReading Time: 3 minutes

As a company providing rubbish removal in Trenton, ON, the team here at Load-N-Lift Disposal & Haulage has helped a lot of home do-it-yourselfers keep their projects safe, clean, and going smoothly. Whether you are new to the world of DIY projects, or you have done so many that you are practically a professional, it is always worth it to brush up on some general DIY safety and convenience tips. If you are considering tackling a DIY project in the near future, look over these guidelines to get an idea of what you will need to do: Do your research: First and foremost, you should have a strong level of understanding of exactly what your project will be. Whether you are painting a wall or remodeling an entire kitchen, have a thorough list of steps prepared before you even touch a tool. If you have a friend who is a contractor, or who has a… Read More