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The Importance of Shopping and Buying Local

dateJune 15, 2015 author
dateReading Time: 3 minutes

Consumers have many options when looking for a business to support. The Internet, national chains and even do-it-yourself websites now compete with local shops for dollars. Whether or not the customer is right doesn’t matter if the customer doesn’t come in the door! Even someone shopping for something like dumpster rentals in Belleville, ON must weigh the options of finding a local business or choosing a national chain. A good customer should always consider a local shop first, if possible. Local businesses have a few advantages over their national and electronic competition that many consumers should already know: Keeping dollars local benefits the community Local shops pay local taxes and they use the same resources you do. Their kids attend your schools. They’re protected by the same police and fire services. Their houses generate the same property taxes. They’ve invested in the community by starting a business. By supporting them, you’re investing in their business…. Read More

Time for a Spring Cleanup!

dateJune 1, 2015 author
dateReading Time: 3 minutes

Now that Old Man Winter has returned to the snowy north, it’s time to take a look around and see what’s beneath all that melted snow. Spring is a great time to reassess what you want inside your house and what you need outside your house. The flowers and trees don’t have to be the only things that renew themselves in the warmer weather. If you’ve got spring fever, a great way to treat it (and yourself) is to throw out the old and create the new. All it takes is an eye for new ideas to get down to some rubbish removal in Trenton, ON! Do a little landscape improvement With the grass still growing and the flowers coming back to life, take a look around the grounds to see what areas can be improved with a little landscaping. Replacing sod adds green space to the areas between your sidewalks. Fresh flowers add bold… Read More